Dynamic Sourcing Models

We have developed a portfolio of sourcing models, supported by proprietary sourcing applications, that allow our clients to move from a static contract expiration sourcing model to a dynamic sourcing model that provides the opportunity to secure best available market pricing throughout the course of the supplier contract period.

These models, Self-Source™, Co-Source™ and Power Source™, provide the opportunity for contract and/or pricing negotiations and renegotiations to be conducted solely by the client, collaboratively with the client and BroadJump or entirely by BroadJump.

The Benefits:

  • Virtually eliminate the need for RFPs
  • Renegotiation of pricing on existing agreements
  • Reduce supplier pricing negotiation time by 70%
  • Allow you to secure best available market pricing on an ongoing basis
  • Secure competitive, real-time market pricing in key spend areas impacting total supply spend
  • Provide the opportunity to reduce annual supply costs by 5-15%

Click on the icons above to learn more about each of our dynamic sourcing models.

“During the past three years we have saved more than $11,000,000 using the powerful information contained within these solutions.”

Rosa Costanzo
VP & Chief Procurement Officer
Jackson Health System